Statement for International Migrants Day of AAF (2015) | 婦進國際移民日聲明 (2015)
On International Migrants Day, we express our strong support for migrants everywhere who are fighting for recognition as equal human beings who contribute in diverse ways in their societies, and especially in Hong Kong. We believe that there can be many reasons leading to a person’s decision to move to a new location to work and live, but whatever the case, in their host society they should be treated as equals and protected from exploitation.
Why does this matter to a women’s organization? Why does this matter to Hong Kong? Two major reasons:
One, the vast number – 1/3 of a million – of migrant domestic workers, are almost all women. Reasons for their continual exclusion and the deep inequality they face compared to local workers and citizens are based both on their status as women and as migrants.
Second, it matters because of the also large number of women who "arrive" (actually migrate) in Hong Kong from mainland China. Even though there are both men and women marriage migrants from mainland China, the bulk of any hostile rhetoric towards this diverse group ends up being directed at the women and at the children of such cross-border marriages. Though these women contribute to our society through their waged economic contributions, and contribute as carers of our future generations, their full rights to participate with dignity in our society are denied – again based on both their migrant status and on their dependent status as women.
In fact, without the tremendous hard work and ongoing contributions of these two huge groups of women, our society would not be able to function at all.And there can be no significant advancement of women’s rights in Hong Kong as long as we close our eyes to how our society uses migrants while at the same time belittling their existence.
As a women’s organization devoted to equality and the fair recognition and participation of women in society, we know that many women's migrant status can be used as an excuse by people in this city to deny women our full support, and we will join migrants in rejecting and fighting against such tricks and utter folly.
THE MIGRANTS united will never be defeated
THE WOMEN united will never be defeated
THE PEOPLE united will never be defeated
我地移民 夠齊心 受打擊唔會消沉
我地女人 夠齊心 受打擊唔會消沉
我地人民 夠齊心 受打擊唔會消沉